Magnotta Bipolar Disorder
Immune dysregulation in bipolar disorder
Thursday, January 16, 2025
BACKGROUND: Bipolar disorder is a debilitating mood disorder associated with a high risk of suicide and characterized by immune dysregulation. In this study, we used a multi-faceted approach to better distinguish the pattern of dysregulation of immune profiles in individuals with BD.
Associations between NIH Toolbox Emotion Battery measures and previous suicide attempt in bipolar I disorder
Friday, December 13, 2024
Suicide attempts are more prevalent in people with bipolar I disorder (BD-I) than in the general population. Most prior studies of suicide in BD-I have focused on separate emotion-related assays or clinician-administered scales, whereas a single, brief, and multidimensional battery of self-report measures has not yet been explored. Here, we utilized the NIH Toolbox Emotion Battery (NIHTB-EB) to assess various emotional measures, determine which were cross-sectionally associated with prior...
Machine learning with multiple modalities of brain magnetic resonance imaging data to identify the presence of bipolar disorder
Sunday, September 15, 2024
CONCLUSION: BD I could be identified with high accuracy in our relatively small sample by combining structural, functional, and diffusion-weighted imaging data within a single site but not generalize well to an independent replication sample. Future studies using harmonized imaging protocols may facilitate generalization of ML models.
Patterns of Immune Dysregulation in Bipolar Disorder
Friday, August 30, 2024
BACKGROUND: Bipolar disorder is a debilitating mood disorder associated with a high risk of suicide and characterized by immune dysregulation. In this study, we used a multi-faceted approach to better distinguish the pattern of dysregulation of immune profiles in individuals with BD.
Investigating the relationship between DNA methylation, genetic variation, and suicide attempt in bipolar disorder
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Individuals with bipolar disorder are at increased risk for suicide, and this can be influenced by a range of biological, clinical, and environmental risk factors. Biological components associated with suicide include DNA modifications that lead to changes in gene expression. Common genetic variation and DNA methylation changes are some of the most frequent types of DNA findings associated with an increased risk for suicidal behavior. Importantly, the interplay between genetic predisposition and...